Visiting Professor organized by the Master of Family Welfare Education Study Program at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta invited Professor Ferry Jie from Edith Cowan University, Australia. The activity was held for 8 meetings for 8 weeks. The first day was held on November 1, 2022 at 18.30 WIB until 20.10 and ended in December 2022. This activity is carried out online using Zoom. The material raised was themed "Academic Writing and Publication" which was attended by Master of Family Welfare Education students in the 2021 and 2022 batches.


The subject matter of the first meeting was the definition of research; types and types of research; explanation of qualitative and quantitative research; research steps; and how to create research questions. Professor Ferry Jie clearly explained each material so that students could clearly understand the material provided. After all the material is given, students are then directed to make small groups according to their respective concentrations which will then determine the theme or research idea.


Students were divided into four groups which then for approximately 15 minutes held discussions to determine research topics, research objectives, and research questions. After the discussion was over, group representatives presented the results of the discussion that had been carried out. While presenting the results of the discussion, Mr. Jie provided input and suggestions to students so that the chosen topic could be developed even better.


The activity went very smoothly because the topic of discussion is useful for students to prepare for thesis writing. The next Visiting Professor will discuss how to conduct a literature review where students are directed to make a theoretical review that is in accordance with their research topic.