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BEM Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Held A National Workshop On "Sekolah Pecinta Indonesia" #6 To Increase Spirit of Nationalism
Friday (22/11), Sekolah Pecinta Indonesia (SPI) is being held again this year. In this sixth year SPI has the theme "Between Nationalists and Apathy, Where is the Position of the Young Generation?". SPI is a talkshow of nationalism organized by BEM Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (BEM FT UNY).
This occation SPI invited speakers from various fields in accordance with the theme. The first guest speaker was a student activist, Obed Kresna Widya Pratistha. Obed was one of the students who had served as President of BEM KM UGM in 2018. The second guest speaker was a lecturer from PKnH Yogyakarta State University, Halili, M.A, and the third speaker was the Head of DIY National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) namely Agung Supriyono, SH.
Yamsya as the event organizer said that SPI is a workshop aimed to increase spirit of nationalism among every citizen. According to him, this year SPI with the theme "Between Nationalists and Apathy, Where is the Position of the Young Generation?", is not merely seen in terms of one side only, from the explanation the sense of nationalism can be started from a small thing. Obed also said that, Indonesian young generations today are not apathetic as evidenced by the students' action Gejayan Memanggil. Students move and act because of the unrests related to national problems arise in Indonesia. The arising of national problems made students unrests. Hence students' do the action to state their aspiration and ask the elite politics to immediately solve those problems with the right solutions.
Students' actions such as Gejayan Memanggil are a forum for elite politics to listen to students' complaints and provide solutions to solve the problems. When expressing their aspirations, students also kept the orderliness and there was no chaos. The students' participation was also followed by a sense of politeness and guarded for not destroying or damaging each other's facilities when the action was going on.
Through SPI, it is hoped that young generation will be able to contribute to the Indonesian nation in the future so that they are able to do positive things that are beneficial to the homeland and the nation. In addition, SPI is held to accommodate students who have a soul in love for Indonesia, and then their knowledge increases after listening to the speakers' opinions that have been delivered. The 2019 SPI committee invites students as a agent of change to contribute their aspirations well to create a peaceful Indonesia without discriminating between existing races, ethnicities and religions. Even though Indonesia has a variety of polemics, it must uphold the symbol to Bhineka Tungga Ika.
Arisma, one of the participants of SPI, was very enthusiastic with the event held by BEM FT UNY at the FT UNY KPLT Building starting from 13:20. She said that the SPI program was very interesting, fun, and the speaker's style when delivering the material was easy for listeners to understand so that they were not bored. Besides that, the reasons why she joined the SPI event was to broaden her insight. Arisma hopes that next year SPI will be held again with an interesting theme for students, and she will participate again in the SPI next year to increase national insight. (winarti)

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