Creative Innovation to Revive Wooden Batik: Product Design Training at Krebet Wooden Batik Center

Bantul, May 26, 2024 - The Community Service Team (PkM) of Lecturers of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (UNY) successfully held Product Design Training for Business Development at the Krebet Wood Batik Center, Bantul. The training, which took place from May 23 to 25, 2024, aimed to increase the knowledge and creativity of the wooden batik business actors in Krebet.

The implementation team consisting of Mohammad Adam Jerusalem, S.T., S.H., M.T., Ph.D.; Ummi Fakhriyah Jayatri, S.T., MBA, M.Sc.; Dyantika Putry Mahmud, S.Si., MBA, and ten UNY students, collaborated in preparing and delivering the training materials. The event, which took place at Sanggar Punokawan Krebet, Pajangan, Bantul, was enthusiastically attended by 38 business owners of Krebet Wood Batik IKM.

This training began with planning and data collection of participants from May 6 to 18, 2024, then continued with technical coordination of implementation with PLUT and PDIN DIY on May 20 to 21, 2024. Preparation and rehearsal were conducted on May 23, 2024, followed by the provision of pre-materials on May 24, 2024. On the last day, May 25, 2024, participants received material from PDIN delivered by RM. Satya Brahmantya, as well as an evaluation of the design drawings made by the participants.

The main purpose of this training is to provide insight into the map of the creative industry based on SMEs in Yogyakarta, provide innovation and motivation related to product development, and practice the pouring of product development ideas. The evaluation conducted related to the design drawings of each participant showed a high level of creativity and innovation.

The training participants, who consisted of various ages, both young and old, were given the opportunity to draw ideas that came to mind either when looking for inspiration on the internet or ideas that have been desired for a long time. This aims to generate enthusiasm, especially among young people, in developing their wooden batik product designs and businesses.

This training not only provides a broad insight into the creative industry map in Yogyakarta, but also encourages the growth of SMEs in DIY as a whole through collaboration between academics, government, and the community. The participants are expected to always express their creative ideas anytime and anywhere through drawing media.

With the synergy between various parties, namely academics, government, and business actors, new innovations that support the development of SME-based creative industries in Yogyakarta are expected to be created. This training is a concrete proof of the contribution of Yogyakarta State University in supporting the development of local industries through community service programs. Through this training, it is hoped that the wooden batik business actors in Krebet can be more enthusiastic and innovative in developing their products, so that they can compete in a wider market and have a positive impact on the regional economy.