Bandung, 11 August 2023 - In a visit full of honor, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) has shared good intentions to learn and explore more about governance and revenue optimization efforts at the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI). FPTK UPI, which has become a Legal Entity of State University (PTN-BH) earlier, received the visit from FT UNY with enthusiasm.

In a meeting attended by delegates from both faculties, the Dean of FT UNY expressed his deep appreciation for FPTK UPI's achievement in achieving PTN-BH status first. He also recognized the importance of understanding best practices in university governance and effective strategies to drive revenue in the academic environment.

"I am honored to be at FPTK UPI, an institution that has made valuable contributions in the field of technology and vocational education," said Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. as Dean of FT UNY. "We hope to learn from the valuable experience of FPTK UPI in managing resources and driving revenue for institutional sustainability."

In his response, FPTK UPI Dean Dr. Iwa Kuntadi, M.Pd. welcomed the visit and shared in-depth insights on the steps that have been taken to achieve PTN-BH status as well as how effective governance strategies have been the key to the institution's success. He also discussed the various efforts that have been made to optimize revenue through academic initiatives, research, and industry partnerships.

"We are very happy to share our experiences and learning with FT UNY. Collaboration between universities is one of the keys to developing the quality of education and real contribution to society," said the Dean of FPTK UPI.

This visit is expected to be the first step in strengthening the relationship between the two faculties and providing opportunities for further knowledge exchange in the areas of university governance and revenue development. With a high sense of collaboration, FT UNY and FPTK UPI have the potential to collectively achieve greater achievements in the future.

On that occasion, the cooperation between FT UNY and FPTK UPI supported by MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) and IA (Implementing Arrangement) is an important step in supporting the exchange of knowledge, experience, and collaboration between the two institutions. The MoA is a formal document that outlines the objectives, responsibilities, and obligations of each side in this collaboration. The IA is more related to the practical implementation of the cooperation, such as the schedule of joint activities, resource allocation, and concrete steps to be taken.

With this collaboration, it is expected that FT UNY can take lessons and inspiration from FPTK UPI regarding effective governance and strategies to increase revenue, while FPTK UPI can also utilize this collaboration to gain new insights and expand its network with other educational institutions.

The event closed with great enthusiasm, with the hope that this meeting will inspire further endeavors in improving the quality of higher education and providing bigger benefits to society and industry.