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Expanding Electrical Networks, Electrical Engineering Student Association of Yogyakarta State University Receives Visits from Jenderal Soedirman University and Sebelas Maret University
Saturday (11/23), the Electronic Engineering Student Association of Yogyakarta State University was visited by guests from another Electrical Engineering Student Association. This guest was present from the Electrical Engineering Association, General Soedirman University and Sebelas Maret University. The event which was held in the 2nd floor KPLT courtroom was welcomed by Eko Triyono as the supervisor of the Electronic Engineering Student Association of Yogyakarta State University. In his remarks, Eko Triyono hoped that all students who met on this occasion could share their knowledge and be a means of friendship and finding a new family. The event which was attended by all administrators of the electrical engineering association began around 09.30 WIB. Even though this event experienced a slight delay, it continued to run smoothly. The program was filled with the presentation of the programs of each set, the question and answer session then continued with a discussion forum between divisions and the last event was the presentation of mementos and a group photo.
According to Alfarizi Lubis, the reason the UNSOED Student Association visited the Electronic Engineering Student Association of Yogyakarta State University was because when General Soedirman University held a KRI competition, UNY won the overall champion. "The reason we went to Yogyakarta State University was because yesterday there was a KRI competition at UNSOED, it was the overall champion of Yogyakarta State University that made me first want to come to Yogyakarta State University and was interested in the robotics system at Yogyakarta State University. Besides that, he also wants to see Ormawa at Yogyakarta State University. This visit has also been prepared in advance, "he said.
Faisal Hanifah Makruf as chairman of the Electrical Engineering Association, Sebelas Maret University, hopes that with these three organizations all members of the organization can establish friendship and support each other if each student is making certain events. The head of the Electrical Engineering Association of Yogyakarta State University, Galang Dwi Prakasa, also hoped that the electrical engineering network would continue to spread, especially from friends who had just made associations and friends who had long since shared knowledge and interwoven relationships. (Steven)

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