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In order to facilitate the graduates to be able to participate in the selection of CPNS in 2019, they took the initiative to propose the Judicium for the November 2019 Period on Friday, November 15, 2019. This Judicium was held in the KPLT Hall which was attended by the Dean, WD I, WD II, WD III of the Faculty of Engineering, University Yogyakarta State, Chairperson of the Department of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, as well as academics within the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, and students of the judicium.
In this event, FT UNY graduated 17 students from various majors, including, Aji Dzularief majoring in Electrical Engineering Education, M. Faris Abdillah, majoring in Electrical Engineering Education, S1, Dwi Febrianto Atmojo, majoring in Electrical Engineering Education, S1, Gustan Anggara majoring in Electrical Engineering Education S1, Labas Fasya Asil Say majoring in Engineering Education Mechatronics-S1, Fani Retnaningtyas Engineering Education Mechatronics-S1, Fajar Suranto majoring in Electrical Engineering-D3, Suwardi Fajar Anggoro in Electrical Engineering D3, Muhammad Taufik majoring in Electronics Engineering-S1 Education , Jati Suseno majoring in S1 Mechanical Engineering Education, Zhafran Anas majoring in Automotive Engineering-S1, Muhammad Rifqi Prawira S1 Automotive Engineering Education, Ari Wahyuni in Civil Engineering and Planning-S1 Education, Ferly Anggriawan majoring in Civil Engineering and Planning-S1 Education, Miftah Ayu Fadilah majoring in Culinary S1 Education, Nirmalasari majoring in Culinary S1 Education, and Fithria Nadhifah Hanif majoring in Culinary Education S1-S1. There are 5 students who got cum laude GPA. The student namely, Miftah Ayu Fadilah with a GPA of 3.81, Muhammad Taufik with GPA 3.73, Nirmalasari with GPA 3.63, Zhafran Anas with GPA 3.54, and Labas Fasya Asil Say with GPA 3.51.
Miftah, as the highest cum laude achiever, represented the students of Yudisiawan and Yudisiawati for the speech. Miftah expressed his gratitude to the Dean, lecturers and all FT UNY employees who had helped Yudisiawan and Yudisiawan students to complete their lecture. Miftah said that knowledge, criticism, advice and guidance from various parties were very meaningful for Yudisiawan and Yudisiawati students. Lectures, industrial training, practice in schooling, and community provision that has been given by UNY becomes a very valuable provision for them. Representing all Yudisiawan and Yudisiawati students, Mifta asked for prayers while apologizing if there were mistakes in both the speech and behavior during this lecture. Mifta hopes that all the knowledge that has been obtained can be useful for the homeland and the nation.
Followed by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. He said that Yogyakarta State University had given the opportunity for every student to graduate and graduate. Therefore, he hopes that all students who have graduated are able to achieve success. The Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University has provided various provisions in the form of lectures, practices in laboratories, practices in industry, practices in schools, and community practices. He hopes that the provisions that have been obtained for three or four years will be able to be developed by students. He added that the Yudisium and Graduation moments were the gateway to real action in the community. As the head of the Yogyakarta State University Faculty of Engineering, he would like to thank the guardians of students who have provided both prayer and financial support to the students of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. In addition, he represented the extended family of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, apologizing to students if during their studies there were errors from the faculty. The message from him is that despite the rapid development of technology, we must be active in it.
The next program is singing the song "Padamu Negeri" together. Then proceed with closing and prayer. After praying, the students were asked to stand up and shake hands with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University, WD I, WD II, WD III of the Yogyakarta State University Faculty of Engineering, the Lecturers, and Staff of the FT UNY. (Steven)

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