Faculty of Engineering lecturer at UNY seeks cooperation with Yamaguchi University through sabbatical leave program

Prof. Dr. Eng. Didik Nurhadiyanto, ST, MT, IPU, ASEAN Eng, a lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education who is also the Coordinator of Manufacturing Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering UNY conducted a sabbatical leave to the Graduate School of Management of Innovation and Technology, Yamaguchi University, Japan recently. During his 12 days there, Didik Nurhadiyanto conducted several activities such as collaboration research, joint publication, discussion of visiting professor plan, discussion of credit transfer plan, discussion of invited speaker plan, and discussion of internship plan for UNY students in Japanese industry. While in Japan Didik collaborated with Prof. Dr. Shigeyuki Haruyama, one of the professors at Yamaguchi University.

Didik did some research data collection for the collaboration research program. Part of the research was conducted in Indonesia, but the lack of data was conducted in Japan because the measurement tools were not yet available at UNY campus. In the future, collaboration research will be conducted on the theme of developing corrugated gaskets made from composites. "The results of the research that have been carried out are then made into a draft article which will later be submitted to reputable international journals," he said. The draft article has been completed, but still received input from Haruyama. To complete the article, it is still necessary to take research data that can be done in Indonesia.

The sabbatical leave activity also discussed the possibility of credit transfer for S2 students. Undergraduate students have not been able to do it because at Yamaguchi University there is no international class for undergraduate. In the future, credit transfer activities can be carried out at Yamaguchi University. Students can take some courses at Yamaguchi University which later can be converted to courses at UNY.

Inbound visiting professor activities at UNY can be carried out in the future if there is funding. However, outbound visiting professor activities cannot be carried out because it has not been discussed with the university.

Haruyama is willing to be an invited speaker in international seminars organized by UNY starting in 2025. It is planned that Haruyama will be invited to the International Conference on Vocational Education of Mechanical and Automotive Technology (ICoVEMAT). However, if there is already an invited speaker at ICoVEMAT, he is willing to be an invited speaker at other seminars that are still close.

Discussion of internship activity plans was also held. This activity also involved industry, namely the President of Takatory Seisakuisho Co. Ltd. In addition, online also involves Kahari from CV Media Global Indonesia and agents in Japan, namely Mulyono from Ajia Jinzai Bank (AJB). If there is a match, the internship of UNY students will be carried out to the industry in Japan.