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Faculty of Engineering Strengthen Cooperation with Industry to Improve the Quality of Industrial Practices
To strengthen cooperation relations with industry, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) signed a Cooperation Agreement with 31 industries for industrial practice locations (5/12/2019). Industrial Practice is a typical course of Faculty of Engineering that provides students with an insight into the skills and culture of industry (hands of experience) and entrepreneurship. This time the industry practice is divided into two, Guided Industry Practices (PI-T) and Independent Industry Practices (PI-M).
The signing of the Cooperation Agreement was carried out between the Dean of FT UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D., with Leaders, Directors, Owners, Managers and HRD from industry partners who are related to various departments in Faculty of Engineering YSU including Nasmoko, Nissan Indomobil, PT Hari Mukti Teknik, CV. Utilindo Perkasa, PT. PMC Teknikindo, PT. Mataram Tunggal Garmen, UPT Logam Yogyakarta, New Saphir Hotel, and others.
Before the signing, Vice Dean for Academic and Academic Affairs of Faculty of Engineering YSU, Muh. Khoirudin, Ph.D. explained in relation to PI-M and PI-T programs and curriculum used. This time Faculty of Engineering YSU changed the duration for industrial practice which was originally only 3 months of study period, now the time duration was extended to 1 year. "The 1-year Industrial Practices are divided into two domains, 6 months for Guided Industry Practices and the next 6 months used for Independent Industry Practices with the aim of being able to produce skilled graduates who are truly ready to work," he said.
After the presentation session continued with a discussion where each industry provided such input of suggestions to improve Faculty of Engineering YSU's industry practices.
Ashari, the owner of PT Hari Mukti Teknik, agreed to the changes made by YSU. According to him, this change will benefit students because with a longer duration, students can learn deeper about the industry. Ashari also hopes that students can expand links and even learn with company owners directly so that students can be inspired to start new businesses.
The partner industries claimed to be greatly helped by the existence of an internship or Industrial Practice which is a symbiosis mutualism between campus and industries. "When we lacked of staff, it happened that at that time YSU students entered for an internship then without a complicated admission process we accepted the students and the students' performance was also very good where they had a high willingness to learn and always wanted to try new things," said representatives of partner industries.
Meanwhile, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D in his closing speech revealed that FT UNY will always establish a cooperative relationship between FT UNY and the industry, he also hopes that this connection will lead to a positive and mutually beneficial relationship between the faculty and industry. After the socialization and discussion were carried out, the next event was the signing of the MoA and IA. (Winarti)

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