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Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Has Two More Professors
Yogyakarta State University will inaugurate two professors on Saturday (15/2) at the head office of UNY. The two professors who were inaugurated were Professors in the Field of Food Technology Prof. Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, S.T.P., M.Sc and Professor in the Science of Machining Learning Process Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Rahdiyanta, M.Pd. The two professors are from the Faculty of Engineering. With the inauguration of these two professors, UNY has 151 professors.
Mutiara Nugraheni is a lecturer in Food Engineering Education at the Faculty of Engineering. Mutiara Nugraheni completed her undergraduate program in the field of Agricultural Product Processing Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, obtained a master degree in Master of Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agriculture, UGM and earned a doctorate in Food Science, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM. Mutiara Nugraheni also produced many national and international scientific works and held copyrights in several food learning videos.
Whereas Dwi Rahdiyanta is lecturer majoring in Mechanical Engineering Education. Dwi Rahdiyanta completed his undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering Education at IKIP Yogyakarta in 1985, obtained a master degree in Technology and Vocational Education at IKIP Jakarta in 1992 and obtained a doctorate in Technology and Vocational Education at Yogyakarta State University in 2011. His consistency in pursuing the field of learning the machining process, produces several scientific works both at national and international levels.
Kedua guru besar tersebut akan membacakan pidato ilmiah sesuai bidang ilmu masing-masing. Mutiara Nugraheni akan menyampaikan pidato ilmiah berjudul ‘Pengembangan Produk Berbasis Tepung Lokal Untuk Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan dan Derajat Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia’ sedangkan Dwi Rahdiyanta akan memaparkan pidato ilmiah berjudul ‘Tantangan Pembelajaran Pemesinan di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0’. (Dedy)
The two professors will read scientific speeches according to their respective fields of science. Mutiara Nugraheni will deliver a scientific speech entitled 'Local Flour-Based Product Development for Strengthening Food Security and Indonesian Public Health Degrees', while Dwi Rahdiyanta will present a scientific speech entitled 'Machining Learning Challenges in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era'. (winarti)

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