Marketing and TKDN Product Training for IMKM Batik Kayu Krebet Assisted by PLUT Cooperative and UMKM Office of DIY Province

In order to increase the marketing capacity and understanding of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) of products for Krebet Wood Batik Small and Medium Industries (IKM), the Community Service Team (PkM) of Industrial Engineering Lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) in collaboration with PLUT KUKM DIY organized special training. The training took place from May 23 to 25, 2024 at Punokawan Krebet Studio, Pajangan, Bantul. The PkM team itself consisted of Dr. Noor Fitrihana, M.Eng., Nova Suparmanto, M.Sc., Grahita Prisca Brilianti, M.Sc.,

This training aims to equip participants with knowledge and skills in marketing, both conventionally and digitally, as well as provide an in-depth understanding of TKDN products. Hopefully, through this training, Krebet Wood Batik IKMs can increase the competitiveness of their products in the national and international markets.

The training was attended by 38 participants who were Krebet Wood Batik SMIs assisted by PLUT of the Cooperative and MSME Office of Yogyakarta Province. This activity involved several UNY students to provide experience in the field. This activity consists of several important stages:

  1. Planning and Data Collection of Participants (May 6-18, 2024): This stage involves the process of planning and collecting data on participants carried out by the service team together with PLUT DIY. The participants involved are SMEs that are active and have the potential to develop further.
  2. Material and Technical Coordination (May 20-21, 2024): The service team held coordination with PLUT DIY to finalize the material and technical implementation of activities. This coordination is important to ensure that the activities run smoothly and in accordance with the predetermined objectives.
  3. Preparation at the Activity Location (May 23, 2024): a rehearsal or preparation at the activity location was carried out with the management of the Krebet Cooperative. This activity involves checking facilities and other technical preparations.
  4. Material Provision and Workshop (May 24, 2024):

    Session 1: The material on marketing was given by Dr. Noor Fitrihana, M.Eng., as the head of the UNY PkM team. Then, it was continued with a digital marketing session through the Sibakul Jogja platform delivered by Wahyu Tri Atmojo from PLUT DIY.

    Session 2: Nova Suparmanto, M.Sc., and Grahita Prisca Brilianti, M.Sc. provided material on the introduction of TKDN for MSME products, which is important to increase the value of local products and reduce dependence on imported components.

  5. Evaluation and Closing (May 25, 2024): The last day of the training was filled with evaluation sessions to measure understanding and feedback and expectations from the participants regarding the material that had been delivered. The activity was officially closed by the UNY service team.

This training is expected to provide significant benefits for the Krebet Wood Batik SMI players, among others:

  • Improved Marketing Skills: Participants gained new knowledge about effective marketing strategies, especially digital platforms through Sibakul Jogja.
  • Understanding of TKDN: Knowledge of TKDN and TKDN Small Industry (IK) will help participants in optimizing the use of local components in their products, increasing product competitiveness in the market.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Participants have the opportunity to expand their network and collaborate with fellow IKM players as well as with PLUT DIY.

With this training, it is expected that Krebet Wood Batik IKM can continue to grow and contribute more to the regional economy as well as the preservation of local culture. This activity is one of the concrete forms of service and collaboration between academics and the government in supporting the growth of SMEs in DIY.