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Engineering students return the name of Yogyakarta State University to its myriad of achievements. This time a group of Engineering Faculty students won the Prestigious Bidikmisi National Scientific Writing Competition with the title of General Champion and Best Presentation Predicate, Sunday (11/17). The competition will be held from November 15-17, 2019 at Diponegoro University. In the competition, all participants displayed their work.
This Glorious Achievement Bidikmisi event is an annual event organized by the Diponegoro University Bidikmisi Association with the theme "The Role of Millennial Generation Towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0".
The Prestigious Bidikmisi Prestigious National Scientific Writing Competition was attended by two representative groups from Yogyakarta State University. One of the representative groups was Nur Kholish Mujib and 2 colleagues (Ahmad Rasyid and Ova Maulidha Caecaria) from Mechatronic Engineering Education. In this competition they made a work of Environment Controller Based on IoT in Oyster Mushroom Cultivation. Nur Kholish Mujib said the competition was divided into three sessions, namely technical meetings, work presentations, and national seminars "Millennials of Achievement Bidikmisi" as well as announcements of champions. The competition held by the Bidikmisi Association of Diponegoro University was participated by various universities, including Airlangga University, Sebelas Maret University, Yogyakarta State University, and Diponegoro University.
"This competition is actually to motivate to make achievements at the end of the year, as well as looking for capital to increase the costs of doing thesis" he added further. He hopes other students can maximize the status of students to achieve achievements based on their knowledge or knowledge. (Steven)

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