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Technology Assessment and Application Agency Reviewing Electric Cars by Garuda Yogyakarta State University
Team of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology visited the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University to review the electric car by students of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (11/21/2019). The visit was held in the Engineering Faculty Meeting Room, Yogyakarta State University. The Technology Assessment and Application Agency Team conducted a visit in the context of a review of the development of the national electric vehicle and railroad transportation industry conducted by the Center for Manufacturing, Telematics and Electronics Industry (PPIMTE) Assessment and Application of the Technology Assessment Agency. In addition, this visit was held for a discussion forum and obtain information related to the ecosystem of electric vehicles based specifically on the development of electric vehicle research in universities.
This discussion forum was attended by the Team for the Assessment and Application of Technology and the Yogyakarta State University Car Team. The representatives of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, namely, Drs. Agus Krisnowo, MT, Ir. Setyo Margono, M.Eng, Solichah Vichy Budiwati, ST, ME, and Drs. Triyono Widhi S, M.Eng. While the team from Yogyakarta State University Cars consisted of, Dr. Zainal Arifin, Dr. Sutopo, Moch. Sholikin, M.Kes, Dr. Heri Wibowo, Tafakur, M.Pd., Afri Yudantoko, M.Pd. Sutopo said that in the manufacture of electric-based vehicles this was assisted by 3 students from the automotive department and several machine children. Sutopo said that the electric car manifactor had reached level 3 at PT. But for more stages, it requires considerable funds.
Electric cars by students of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University are seen as achievements that support Indonesia towards the ecosystem of electric vehicles. Some of the achievements that have been achieved include, in 2015 passing the feasibility test, in 2019 was ranked 2nd after UGM in terms of concept, and in the same year also won the Electric Car Competition in Korea. In the process, the production of electric cars is supported by YUASA and KMHT is supported by FBR to research. The hope is that the program that is in accordance with Lintasa is supported by funding and the ability of qualified students.
Industry-based vehicle readiness visit from an industrial and research point of view for Indonesia. This includes a move towards a gasoline-free vehicle in 2019. The visit of an electric car starts from the beginning of 2019 to Solo, the Ten November Institute of Technology, and up to Yogyakarta State University. According to him the electric car by Yogyakarta State University is already good because it has entered the prototype scale. The electric car by Yogyakarta State University is qualified if it is produced by industry so that it can be produced in large quantities. The hope is for Yogyakarta State University, more actively seeking outside funding to increase the budget for this electric car research. (Steven)

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