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The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University in collaboration with the Yogyakarta Special Region Construction Services Development Institute and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia held a briefing and certification test for fresh graduate students. The event, which was held at the Faculty of Engineering, was attended by 125 participants from the Department of Civil Engineering, Yogyakarta State University and Yogyakata Technical University Friday, (11/22).
The debriefing and certification test was followed by the Civil Engineering department at the D3 and S1 levels with their respective skills tests, namely drawing skills, road executors, building executors, and building supervisors. The debriefing was held on Thursday, November 22, while the certification test was conducted one day afterwards, divided into two sessions, written session and interview. The activity which tests the skills of these students has been carried out for four consecutive years. The purpose of this debriefing is to prepare students so that when they graduate they have a certificate and recognized expertise. There are three aspects assessed in this certification test, including aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills.
According to Bedi Kartiningrum as the assessor in this certification test, this activity aims to improve their abilities, so that later students can compete in the market because in the present era proof of this certificate is needed. "Hopefully this activity can run again and as a student must prepare to take exams like this," he added.
One of the certification test participants, Ismail said that with this activity students felt helped because only by paying Rp. 40,000 had already received a certificate. He hopes that this certification exam will be continued in the following years bearing in mind that this certification test has been carried out for four consecutive years. (Steven)

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