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Boeing 737 Aircraft Simulator, The Sensation of Flying A Real Aircraft
It is probably not everyone has the opportunity to fly a plane considering the cost to become a licensed pilot is also very expensive. But take it easy, a lecturer of Electronics & Informatics Engineering Education (JPTEI) Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Ponco Walipranoto, M.Pd. together with JPTEI alumni, Mukhlas Fajar Putra and Wasang Juwi Pracihno as well as Mechanical Engineering alumni, Wawan created the prototype of an aircraft simulator with a model that was very similar to the actual cockpit or flight deck so that it would give the sensation of flying a real plane.
This simulator is made by really paying attention to the details of the aircraft as a whole, especially the cockpit. With a scale of 1: 1, this innovation has the same size as the original Boeing 737 cockpit. This simulator has 2 cockpits namely pilot and co-pilot. The display uses the LED monitor screen is able to display the atmosphere of augmented reality when the Boeing 737 maneuvers, accelerates or during emergency service conditions.
Ponco explained that this prototype simulator allows users to interact directly with the software through a real instrument panel. The simulator is made as similar to the real form by paying attention to the basic performance. The condition of each airport is displayed according to the developed database.
"The purpose of this innovation is certainly to reduce the error rate of the prospective pilots and reduce training costs before actually flying an aircraft," he said.
"This simulator has dimensions of 3261 x 2520 x 2020 mm with iron, acrylic, aluminum, and MDF frame materials," continued Ponco.
This simulator has also just been exhibited at the Innovation Innovator Indonesia Expo (I3E) (3-6/10-2019) by becoming one of the flagship booths at the Jakarta Convention Center opened by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
Menristekdikti, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ak., M.Sc, Ph.D, also briefly looked at this innovation booth and putting hope that it could work together with related parties so that this simulator could be truly utilized properly. (Winarti)

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